It all started with one of our group wanting to do her dive planning and leading a dive, so as an instructor I looked in one of the guide books and picked a small, shallow wreck Eisen No 761.
When she came back to me and told me that was no good as the dive guides did not have any info on this wreck and in the twenty years that both of our guides had been diving Chuuk they had never dived it?
So for the third dive the next day we went to have a look, some not so happy about this waste of a dive, with bad vis , if they do not dive the wreck there is a reason?
Well as it turned out the vis was a bit down and it is just another tug boat, it sits upright in 16 metres of water with no visible damage, having not been dived in so long a time meant there was a lot of life on it that had not been seen on the other wrecks.
As well as only 16 metres of water the wreck is close to the shore hence the poor vis but with no need of a torch and still 5 metres vis this was like heaven for most of us!
The navigation lights were still in place, in the wheel house were the two telegraphs with porcelain dials in Japanese. At the back of the bridge were two doorways on the left is the galley about 4’ x 3’6” with wok stove on one side of the door way and chopping bench on the other side, in the other door way is the head, it’s the same size as the galley with wash basin one side of the door and the loo on the other, such a small space to do all that in.
The engine room looked to be untouched but the doorways were too small to get right inside and both props where still in place.
What a surprise to find a lovely little wreck like this that is never dived.
Julian Avis