Report by Julian Avis
The weather on bank holiday Monday 31st August 2020 was very nice but we had a week of high winds and a lot of rain the week before so there was probably poor visibility in the sea off the south coast, so it was decided to run a boat handling refresher course.
The plan was to meet up at the marina at 08.00 to get the boat ready as if we were going diving. Paul was in charge of getting the boat ready with the help of his crew Jenny, Mark, and Milton.
We set of down the Arun just before 09:00 and headed off to the Froud wreck. Everyone had a go at finding the wreck, then we did some man overboard recoveries before going out to the Ore Wreck to practice shotting a wreck.
We arrived back at the marina just after two, everyone having had a good go at driving the boat.
Paul put it back on its trailer, before we all gave it a good wash down and covered it back up until our next trip out.