Andrew & Jenny are determined to make sure that their little grey brain cells keep active so attended a weekend course (5/6 March) at the University of East Anglia. The course was quite intense and covered a large number of subjects with lecturers from the University of East Anglia, the Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and the University of Hull.
Day 1:
- Lectures on –
- Development of oceanography & marine technology
- Physical, chemical and biological oceanography
- Citizen science and the marine environment
- Practical demonstrations on –
- Underwater gliders
- Measuring currents & stuff in the sea
- Phytoplankton
Day 2:
- Lectures on –
- Marine biology
- Polar oceanography
- Effects of increasing temperature and carbon dioxide
- Marine conservation
- Practical demonstrations on –
- Bacteria
- Ocean acidification and circulation
- Fish tagging
- Zooplankton ecology
Thankfully plenty of tea, coffee and biscuits were provided and an excellent buffet lunch to keep our energy up.
We really enjoyed the course, certainly learnt a lot and came away with plenty to think about!
We were awarded a Certificate of Attendance at the end of the course and are getting a BSAC certification card for the course, in recognition of special interest training!